Gift from Emperor Alexander III to his wife, Empress Maria Feodorovna, Easter, 1894. St. Petersburg, 1894, House of Fabergé, workmaster Mikhail Perkhin.
Gift from Emperor Nicholas II to his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Easter, 1895. St. Petersburg, 1895, House of Fabergé, workmaster Mikhail Perkhin.
St. Petersburg, 1886-1898. House of Fabergé, workmaster Mikhail Perkhin.
Gift from Emperor Nicholas II to his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna for Easter 1897. St. Petersburg, 1897, House of Fabergé, workmaster Mikhail Perchin, miniature carriage by Georg Stein.
Gift from Emperor Nicholas II to his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Easter, 1898. St. Petersburg, 1898, House of Fabergé, workmaster Mikhail Perchin, miniaturist Johannes Zehngraf.
Gift from Emperor Nicholas II to his mother, Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna, Easter, 1900. St. Petersburg, 1900, House of Fabergé, workmaster Mikhail Perkhin.
Gift from Emperor Nicholas II to his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Easter, 1911. St. Petersburg, 1911, House of Fabergé, workmaster Henrik Wigström, miniaturist Vasiliy Zuiev.
Gift from Emperor Nicholas II to his mother, dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna, Easter, 1911. St. Petersburg, 1911, House of Fabergé.
Gift from Alexander Kelch to his wife Varvara for Easter 1898. St. Petersburg, 1898. House of Fabergé, workmaster Mikhail Perkhin.
Gift from Alexandr Kelch to his wife Varvara for Easter 1904. St. Petersburg, 1904. House of Fabergé.
St. Petersburg, 1840. Imperial Porcelain Factory, painters Vasili Stoletov, Peter Shchetinin.
St. Petersburg, 1844. Imperial Porcelain Factory, painter Vasili Meschcheriakov.