St. Petersburg, 1899-1904. House of Fabergé. Workmaster Julius Rappoport.
Moscow, about 1880. Artist unknown.
Icon painter Ivan Zaitsev, 1831. Revetment: Moscow, 1883. A. Kuzmichev Factory.
Moscow, after 1908. Orest Kurliukov. Icon painter V. Guryanov,
Painting: mid-17th century. Revetment: 19th century.
Moscow, late 16th century.
Belonged to Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna the Young. Moscow, 1908. Nikolai Tarabrov.
Gift to Emperor Nicholas II from the Old Believers of Moscow. Revetment: Moscow, 1894. Yakov Mishukov. Painting: Moscow, 1894. Mikhail Dikarev.
Painting about 1600, revetment 17th century.